1. GOD ETERNALLY EXISTS IN THREE PERSONSthe Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is the Creator of all things, ultimately holy and perfectly loving.
  2. THE BIBLE IS GOD'S REVEALED WORD TO US and is fully inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is without error in the original autographs and as such is the final authority on all matters to which it speaks.
  3. MAN IS CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF GOD TO REFLECT HIS GLORY. Because of the Fall of Adam and Eve, sin entered the world resulting in death. All people therefore sin and fall short of God's glory.
  4. JESUS CHRIST IS THE REMEDY FOR OUR SIN. He is God the Son who entered the world by being born of a virgin. He taught all men how to live and glorify the Father through the example of His sinless life. He was crucified for our sins, and bodily rose from the dead so that all who believe in Him may have eternal life.
  5. CHRIST WILL RETURN again to earth to judge the living and the dead and to claim for His own those who believe in Him.
  6. THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST, when believed, communicated, and practiced in its biblical fullness, can transform any individual or place.
  7. THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH contains and most appropriately explains the system of doctrine taught by Holy Scripture.